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nicola au Perou
21 janvier 2009

got through the first week intact

Hello Thanks for the messages cant work out a way of replying from here direct, but its great to hear from you, much appreciated: My time on internet is really limited, I have tried for the past 2 days to get on line but the one place is always shut so it will really be a bit hap hazard;

got into a real routine of looking after the babies from 6 till 8 am then breakfast with the young girls, then some sort of formacion as they call it followed by lunch at 12.30 without the kids which is a relief I then help with their lunch at 1.30 then each day is different constant washing and nit picking so to speak they shower 3 times a day and clean the floors twice, keeps a routine going: There are 30 girls in my pavillon:

Started taking some photos but no idea from here how to get then on line will hae to go to Lima I think to an internet cafe which is more part of this century than here.

Sunday 4 girls were confirmed huge thing for the place with the bishop coming. On Saturday night up late with another volontario making bunches of flowers to hand on each pew. Ended up in church for hours but the bishop as the first person i could understand perhaps having started as a catholic palys it part; The grls all wore green ponchos as they wee part of the choir. Each girl had a god parent it was very nicely done and the bishop was very good with the kids. In the afternoon some of the kids atre visited by their parent or family so there are huddles of familes all eating fruit which they bring as a treat;

Food still not the best: Sunday night bowl of broth with chicken feet which i really couldnt nibble on: Getting used to itbut have probably lost a bit of weight. Spagetti and pilchards today not so bad and a surprise banana: Roberto the founder arrived yesterday with sweets for everyone did the circuit and gave everyone a sweet: They are all well looked after.

Yesterday morning arrived in the pavillon of the babies to the most horrific stench 9 out of the !$ babies had the most awful shits throiugh nappy pyjamas bedding and all never seen the like took quite some cleaning really: Coulh hardly breath and then it sort of put me off my breakfast:

After that my group had to go in the chacra to garden for two hours really really hot though, had to weed a field of onions I helped but it was killing the youngest was 7, then we had to pick up avocardo leaves 2 hours in all.

Yesterday afternoon another trip to the river, this time I decided what the hell in all my clothes I would join them so spent 2 hours trying to teach the youngest to swim: Huge current quite dangerous they just let them go into the river, one kid got pulled ot y another so we didnt loose any in fact. They all help each other, all their clothes seem to be interchangeable shoes etc so they are used to shaing:

The fondation has been going for 11 years and a few of the kids hae lived there since its beginning. My spanish is a wee bit better today I chatted to two young archeologists, there is a museum which they look after personal effects of Robeto I think.

Dont sleep that well and rather bitten by beasts down at the river yesterday but all in all its fine: Hope to get away from here for a week end soon I think I could do with some quiet it is just so noisy all the time: In the dormatory i it isnt the girls making all the noise its the cockerels from next door that stat at 4 in the moring plus a donkey , never stops:

This should give you an idea hope to get some picutres up one of these days. Loo forward to hearing from you

Nicola. Have been reading through your diary / blog. It sounds as if you have no free minutes and very demanding work - the language (and the food) must be quite an issue for you! Hope you manage to get a bit of free time. Rosie and I both send much love. Jo is off on her travels Monday - so it will be very strange here with none of the kids! Take care xxx
coucou <br /> a force de bosser sur la traduction de ton histoire ,je vais pouvoir te parler en anglais lol. <br /> suis trés heureux de pouvoir suivre ton histoire ,et de savoir que tout ce passe bien<br /> ici ,tout va bien ,il ne faut pas trés froid et mon robot s'occupe parfaitement de ta piscine ,je fais toujours autand de sport et a ton retour tu verra un athlète devant toi <br /> je vais a une rando samedi,je te raconterais et te prendrais des photos comme ca tu en profitera un peu aussi<br /> gros bisous et merci jean-louis
Can only begin to imagine how exhausted you must be - all sounds very similar to Beth's time at the childrens home in a township in S Africa: one shitty bug after another, nits, awful food and lack of privacy but somehow all made OK by kids resilience and cheerfulness. Think you are quite brilliant to be doing this ... seems quite a way away from a dank London morning at my desk! <br /> Much love from Hardies all xxxx
i've sent you an email<br /> it sounds like a remarkable trip. really looking forward to seeing the photos.<br /> love you lots x