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nicola au Perou

3 mars 2009

travelling yipee enjoying life on the road!!!

Well, Sunday was good relaxing ,spent time on internet and caught up with reading the Sunday Times and things. The had a water cut so had to wait for a shower so spent morning relaxing. Collected Ana s mum and then went to pick up Ali s contact from Argentina...
1 mars 2009

Hello first day out from behind locked doors

Well I have left Villa Santa Martha this morning: I was up early to bath babies for final time and I have to say felt horribly sad cleaning bottoms and washing hair , they are all so cuddly now, I walk in at 6 ish and they come running up to me and jump...
23 février 2009

Lat week at Pica Piedra Villa Martha

Hi Busy busy weekend met Florence and Lucca on Saturday for a laid back late luch and afternoon of chatting: learnt a few things about Lima and heard of a rather terrible experience they had had travelling so they told me to be careful, but they had gone...
20 février 2009

been a little while since I could write

back again. All well except I have had some tummy upset and havent been able to get to the internet place for fear of being too far from a loo. Dont need to say more, Last week end I was out of santa martha for the week end staying at Natalys again which...
18 février 2009


lots to write about but no time just on my way back from Lima met a friend of martine conquet today and and a great day. Different. her husband is in congress so got chauffered about but must get back before I cannot get into santa martha for the night....
15 février 2009

Happy Valentines day to you all

A very special day here they all seem to celebrate a day of love and friendship. first thing hugs all round in the dinning room, followed by a song by the girls about love and friends. Special lunch pasta potatos and rice with pork: Two together I was...
12 février 2009

well more of the same and a day at the sea

hello Dont think I have ever mentioned the fact that I have to take cold showers, still find it hard after a month but grit my teeth but yesterday the shower curtains have been removed to clean I suppose so I have no privacy at all still , cold cold cold....
9 février 2009

hello messed up photos yet again

just spent half an hour uploading photos and the computer crashed so i am afraid all the ones of the shower loo and bedroom will now have to wait for another time: I am well ish except for tummy problems daily but nothing too bad: ate guinea piog four...
9 février 2009

a few pix of pica piedra

a few pix of pica piedra
6 février 2009

gettimng the hang of it but it takes forever

gettimng the hang of it but it takes forever
shall add a few more but I have to get the bus back for supper soon: The cd he burnt for me doest work and he has removed my photos from the camera so hoping that I can get them still so there is now a hold up never mind, lat night the kids de well that...
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